Many people have difficulty waking up in the morning.

When your alarm goes off you might be in a groggy fog, unmotivated and grumpy. You may not want to get up.

You may find that you are hitting the snooze key repeatedly, or even turning off your alarm.

This feeling can last for up to an hour, causing you to miss important activities and make unhealthy decisions.

You may feel rushed and stressed.

Wouldn’t it be great if you started your day with some pleasant music in the first moments after waking up?

Waking Up From Sleep Inertia

Your body wakes up in the morning in a state called inertia from sleep .

You’re still groggy and disoriented, but you are partially awake. You may have difficulty concentrating, paying attention, remembering, or thinking clearly.

It is sometimes essential to be awake and alert to deal with important safety situations, to process critical information or to take on responsibilities.

Caffeine can be a powerful stimulant that boosts performance and alertness. However, it may take too long for the effects to become apparent if you need immediate results.

Bright lights can help resolve sleep inertia.

Splashing cold water on your face or your hands can also help to wake you up.

Using Music To Wake Up

One way to combat sleep inertia would be to listen to the music you enjoy .

Set your alarm to a song you enjoy instead of buzzers or beepers.

Melodic alarm sounds appear to improve vigilance, and immediate cognitive performance.

Music can be used to awaken you and provide you with the cognitive and physical stimulation that you need.

This music can also be used to boost your mood or provide a positive emotional soundscape for the start of your day.

Other Tips For Awakening

Here are some tips for waking up easier and getting better sleep if you have morning drowsiness.

  • Keep a regular schedule. By going to bed and waking up at the same times every day, you train your body so that it is ready to wake when needed.
  • Avoid alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine before bedtime.
  • Make sure your bedroom is dark enough to sleep comfortably and remove distractions such as electronics.
  • Exercise more. Exercise and stretching can help boost your energy levels and allow you to get more restful sleep.
  • Drink water as soon as you wake up.
  • Check for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders which may be preventing you from falling into deep sleep.

Watch what happens when music is used to start your day. Get up, dance and greet the dawn with a smile.

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